At Grace's 2 month checkup she weighed in at 16.2 lbs (above the
100th % percentile) and she was 23 1/4" (75th%) and her head is 15.5
(50th %)! We have no shortage of cute baby chub rolls around here! :)
I took some pictures of Gracie today. She's exactly 2 months old :) (the date on the camera is wrong...I'll have to fix that.. it's really 8-7-08 today and not 7-8-08)
Adorable smile!!
Beautiful blue eyes
So squishy!!
This was my attempt at a self-portrait of us... but unfortunately she was all pictured-out by then! But she's adorable even when she's screaming! :)
She's chunked up very nicely :) (that's her job, you know) haha
oops! the flash woke her up!
oh ssoo cute! i cant believe shes two months already and lydia is almost one month! time flies! we have the same blanket and we love it!
She is adorable!
thanks :) !!
She's changing so much! I'm missing out on this! Give her a kiss for me! Miss you guys!
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