haha.. just found this that I had posted from my phone... it still says draft so I guess it didn't work. Also added some pictures from the trip...
stuck. we are stuck. sitting in the car on I 17 south from flagstaff. i think we have traveled about a mile in the last 30 minutes. or maybe it is more like half a mile? traffic is so backed up. we had a whirlwind trip to flagstaff starting yesterday afternoon! we found out it was finally snowing in flagstaff and the kids have been begging to go see some snow all winter. we thought we had missed our chance until a big storm hit! we had a great (freezing) time in flagstaff! my poor deprieved kids have never played in snow until now. and no, the manufactured snow at the zoo doesnt really count.it was funny to watch them play and dis cover the wonders of snow.